Community Action Plan Themes and Projects

Our Community Action Plan Identified four Themes with associated Projects which will be the focus for NVCT Directors over the next 5-10 years 

Theme 1 - A Social and Connected Community

One thing that many appreciate about Newstead is its friendly, welcoming and neighbourly residents. However, many feel, particularly since the pandemic, that opportunities to meet and socialise in the village are very limited and existing facilities like the Village Hall are underused.

PRIORITY 1           

Ensure our existing assets are well used, encouraging wider and more diverse use to meet the needs of our community.

PRIORITY 2          

Provide activities and events to bring our community together throughout the year, fostering community cohesion and intergenerational activity.


Theme 2 - An Active and Involved Community

The benefits of volunteering are well recognised for promoting wellbeing. Volunteers will be required to provide on the ground support needed to bring projects to fruition. NVCT will create a volunteer recruitment strategy to harness the skills and expertise of our residents and create an engaging and focused experience for volunteers and stimulate further involvement in projects and activities.

PRIORITY 1      

Increase volunteer participation and widen access to volunteering opportunities by finding ways to engage with anyone who wants to participate.

PRIORITY 2      

Provide great experiences through volunteering, develop opportunities that offer health and wellbeing benefits, greater social connection and skills development.


Theme 3  An attractive and Protected Environment

The natural beauty and rural location of Newstead is one of its greatest assets. Good walks are an attraction for residents and visitors alike. A need has already been identified for a space where people can meet, spend time in the outdoors and where events and activities can take place. In the longer term, the community has identified an ambition to reduce the village’s ecological footprint through increased production & consumption of locally grown food, stewardship of environmental assets and investigation of the feasibility of renewable energy for the benefit of the community.

Community consultations have identified community assets (green spaces) as a priority. Residents feel strongly that the village green space should be preserved for the benefit of the community. 

PRIORITY 1         

 Protect and retain green spaces within and surrounding the community, exploring community ownership to secure and develop key spaces to facilitate a range of environmental projects.

PRIORITY 2         

 Embrace green energy to deliver a more sustainable future for our village, reducing energy costs and playing our part in the low carbon transition.


Theme 4 Our local heritage is explored and celebrated

Reputedly the oldest continually inhabited settlement in Scotland, Newstead has retained many of its original features and is host to the Timonium Roman fort. Newstead was home to the stonemasons who built Melrose Abbey, and the site of one of the first masonic lodges in Scotland. The marks in the stonework and the sundials created during the mason’s apprenticeships are scattered around the village. Our unique heritage presents a range of opportunities for the community, as although Newstead has a rich history, many feel that this is not evident to those who visit and pass through the village.


Promote and celebrate our local history, ensuring Newstead is recognised for its rich heritage.


Use our heritage to enhance the Newstead visitor experience and explore opportunities to bring residents and visitors together.